Who Are We?
What Do We Do?

We are Los Gatos High School's student-run coding, computer science, and programming club.
Our purpose is to advance/initiate code experience and collaborate with like-minded individuals.

At our meetings, both first-time coders and programming enthusiasts alike will get experience by doing, whether it is under the guidance of a tutor or through solving problems via algorithms.

We are the future.

Join now!
Sign up for groups here

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About us + FAQs

Find out more about Coding Club @ LGHS

  • When and where do we meet?

    Since we cannot go on campus for fall 2020, we will be having virtual meetings every Wednesdays. (Specific time TBD)

  • Do I need my own laptop?

    No! We have plenty of laptops readily available and will provide them as necessary.

  • What languages do you guys use?

    For beginners, we will teach them Java as AP Computer Science A is Java-based. For more advanced people or those who are interested in web development, we also delve into C++, Python, HTML, JavaScript, and more!

  • Can I drop by just to chill?

    If you just want to drop by and listen to music, that's perfectly fine -- as long as you don't disupt other club members.

  • I've never coded before, can I join?

    Absolutely! In fact, we have designed this club to introduce people to computer science before jumping straight into AP Computer Science!

  • Why should I join?

    To have fun, to learn, and to be part of a community! We are all-inclusive and supportive of each other. We will learn from each other and also head out to hackathons.

Club Meeting Location

As shown through Google Maps

Club Members

From 2019~2020
Higher resolution photo coming soon :)


Jaewon Lee
Ivan Hornung
Ethan Auyeung
Angshu Adhya


Jaewon Lee - Co-President
Ivan Hornung - Co-President
Ethan Auyeung - Co-President
Angshu Adhya - Vice President


Mr. Holm - APCS Teacher and an amazing human

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  • code

Why Wait?

Come join us every Thursday at lunch!